Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hide and Seek...

Hidden Item No. 1: Monkeys
the kids were really hoping to spot them on the nature walk a
long the Southern Ridges on Saturday.......but I think they were hiding from the blistering heat....Us too!
Hidden Item No. 2: Journaling
On a layout for my parents:

Layout Title: "I've Been Meaning to Tell Y
ou..."It's really easy to include quite a bit of extra journaling space on your layout using a Zutter bind-it-all:

1. Cut notches into your base cardstock (so that the wire rings won't stick out of your page and make it not fit into your protector) - I cut 1/2" notches into my page to fit the rings

2. Then punch holes using your bind-it-all

3. make as many pages as you want, and bind it onto the layout with the rings and the Bind-it-all

See the booklet?

Semi-Hidden Item No. 3: Me
I am planning to (hoping to) go into 'hiding' this week at the store so that I can finally start on my December's 8 days into November and I haven't even started yet!

Betty says that sometimes when I am designing I don't even hear when people are talking to shout if you have to - I'd still want to say hi and chat if you drop by