He always asks me "What exactly are you thinking about huh?" (usually in exasperation when I forget things or do things without thinking) - he should get a medal for putting up with a scatterbrain like me.
And the answer is (sometimes) - everything at once!!! Like right now, my head is jammed with a whole hodge podge of different ideas for May's class projects along with things for Good Friday and Easter and the kids preparing for exams while Abba is running as my inner soundtrack...
I'm itching to get my ideas out! But time seems to run out too fast...and on other days, there is practically nothing on the idea front... such is life eh?
Here's one idea that managed to come out:
A whole layout covered in cardboard box slices: (all papers from

The 'whorls' in the 'wood' are my favourite, along with the 'vines' made of baker's twine and little green leaves from the majadesign pattern paper.

Ok...gotta run.....gotta get those ideas out in paper before they all run away....