1. DS - GOOD (layout class) - classic looks of the layouts... vintage stamps and images... making your own foil embellishments... working with Ranger Dimensional Pearls...
2. DS-TEXTURE (layout class) - making your own gritty textured paint (Sharon's secret recipe)...layering with tissue and gel medium...getting your pages dirty - woo hoo!
3. DS - JOURNAL (altered journal) - gel medium transfer on sheers... working with new ten seconds studio metal embossing... the transparency quotes I will custom print for you... tearing your fancy K&Co journal apart... the goldfish...
4. DS - KNOCK (mini album) - making your own album from scratch...the faux woodgrain print cover...the warm colours...paper patchworking...crackle paint and fake rust...making a keyhole from chipboard...
So...see you in April eh?