We had a few school friends over for some cake, ice cream, ribena and shrink plastic fun. (Laine's has some in stock right now by the way).
She made these:
I got this in the mail....
Then started jumping up and down like a mad woman (not kidding - ask my husband) when I saw what was inside:
All this is possible because of Michele (head Onion), who suggested I send my work in to them - wouldn't have even considered it if not for her - thank you Michele
The jumping up and down has stopped but the grinning is going to be around for at least a little while longer I think...
awww!!! congrats sharon!!! totally understand your joy and your instant jumpings~ hehe...
Congrats Sharon!! So totally deserved. :) And Happy Birthday to Beth, she's growing up to be such a pretty girl. I like your cartoon drawing. Very nice. :)
Congrats Sharon. That was the best class I attended! Totally creative! You should be sending in more!
happy belated birthday to Beth!! and of course CONGRATS sharon for being pub!!! hugs....i dftly believe you, I did the same when I was pub for the 1st time...hehehehe
wahoooooo on the mag pub Sharon. Your work is awesome.
Happy b'day to your little on too.
your girl is so Beautiful. Happy 8 yrs old! :)
and huge Congrats on being pubbed!!! whoohoo...
Happy birthday Beth!!!! Your girl is beautiful Sharon!
And congratulations on being published, you so deserve it!!! I'm so happy for you.
xxx Peggy
woooohooooo!! more to come for sure.. ! *hugs* Congrats my friend!
wooooww congratulations on the pub, Sharon!! Your art and creativity is deserving of manymany more!
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