Here's Beth....
Layout Title: "Dream Your Dreams"

Happy (little) Experiment:
I sprayed the yellow glimmer mist on first and while it was still wet, I spritzed some pink glimmer mist on the back of my transparency, then smooshed it down on top of the yellow. The colours blended a bit like a wet-in-wet watercolour wash - which is nice....a little bit different from spraying directly. Hmmm....maybe will try with other colours?
And here's Benny...
Layout Title: "How to Keep Your 6 Yr Old Happy on a 8 hour Flight"

1. The metal chain running down the middle
2. The photos of course! (just look at that face!!!)
3. The fact that I, (an ex English teacher and Eng Lang grad) wrote "a 8 hour flight" instead of "an 8 hour flight" - haha.
Well, that's it for now. You'll probably be seeing more of my Tokyo photos in my layouts....just don't expect to see any Mickeys (hidden or otherwise) on there anytime soon.
HAHA're so cute. I think i can "ditto" your sentiments abt Mickey Mouse on layouts! LOL!!
but i must say this first page is GORGEOUS! the colour palette is perfect, and the butterflies so pretty!
your 2nd page is a great boy page!love how you collage and all the tags ;) Have a blessed weekend ;)
Oh... love the LOs. esp the girly one! I played with Glimmer mist that way too!
beautiful layouts.. and yeah heck i can't scrap disney too!
hahaha...guess its not you lah doin a mickey layout...anyway these 2 layouts rock! love it.....
Beautiful LO's Sharon ... no Mickey's needed as far as I'm concerned!
xxx Peggy
i agree! keep those disney mmomentos somewhere for now. haha...
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