This was fun - haven't done so much 'building' lately...
Layout Title: "Redang '08"
Hiding behind this panel....

are 6 photos...

And under the main photo is one more...

Making a grand total of 8 photos - Could have put more but I think the layout is heavy enough as it is.
On a Non-Scrapbooking Note:Beth (and to a lesser extent, Benny) has been obsessed with clay and just wanted to show you some of my favourites:
Benny's turtle:
Victor and Victoria (Beth made this - I'm seriously impressed or maybe just a teensy bit biased? haha
Beth's cake
and Bunny (We like Aardman - Wallace and Grommit - a lot. I think you can tell)
And my absolute favourite, the Slugs (Beth's green, Benny's yellow)

Looking at them makes me happy....cheerio.
I like those clay critters. So cute! Just like Wallace & Gromit. I like the slugs with the tongues hanging out and the googly eyes of Victor and Victoria.
Fantastic la, you! Love all the hidden photos. You have just given me ideas and I'm gonna shamelessly scraplift from you! Hahahaha!
Your Ben seems to have his mummy's talent in art. Great "sculpture" those!
love that photo ladened layout!!! and those clay art work, you've got artists in da house yeah :D
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